포켓몬고 3월 물축제 이벤트!

3월 23일 오전 5시 부터 3월 30일 오전 5시까지 포켓몬고 물축제가 진행 되네요.
물타입 포켓몬의 발생이 평소보다 훨씬 많아진다는듯.

이번 기회에 잉어킹이나 열심히 잡아서 가라도스나 좀 키워나와겠네요.
아 추가로 새로운 의상 아이템 "잉어킹 모자"도 나온다고 하니 꼭 득템 하세요

물타입 포켓몬 종류 및 진화 (이미지 출처 : 포켓몬 Go 인벤)

공지 원문 바로가기 

Make a Splash, Trainers!

Get ready to make some waves in Pokémon GO! There’s a global Water Festival in progress, and Magikarp, Squirtle, Totodile, and friends are looking forward to celebrating with you! Starting today at 1 P.M. PDT, you’ll be more likely to encounter Magikarp, Squirtle, Totodile, and their Evolutions all around the world. Additionally, when you’re out exploring areas where Water-type Pokémon more commonly appear, you’ll have a greater chance to encounter several of the Water-type Pokémon originally discovered in the Johto region, and maybe... you might even encounter Lapras.
Also, starting later today, you’ll notice a new avatar wardrobe item—the Magikarp Hat!
The Pokémon GO Water Festival is a limited-time celebration and will come to an end on March 29, 2017, at 1 P.M. PDT, so get outside and GO catch some Water-type Pokémon!

—The Pokémon GO team

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